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I Giuochi D'Agrigento (The Games of Agrigento) - Giovanni Paisiello

Information about the opera I Giuochi D'Agrigento by Giovanni Paisiello, and the best recordings available on CD or DVD, or for download.

A grim story about a love affair between a man and woman from rival families.


The opera is about a love affair between a man and woman from rival families.

Recommended recordings on CD

Rigon/Nardis/Bitar (Dynamic CDS 531/1-2)

CDS 531/1-2

First recording, but the opera is uninspiring and the performances are patchy; for collectors only.

Slovak Chamber Choir, Italian International Orchestra, conducted by Giovanni Battista Rigon.

Cast: Marcello Nardis (Eraclide), Razek François Bitar (Clearco), Maria Laura Martorana (Aspasia), Mara Lanfranchi (Egesta), Vincenzo Taormina (Cleone).

Dynamic CDS 531/1-2

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