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About OperaNights

OperaNights is an independent guide to the best opera recordings available on CD or DVD, or for download. It includes comprehensive information about opera composers, details of each opera, and a recommended current recording of each opera together with information about where to obtain it.

OperaNights is named after the wonderful book Opera Nights by Ernest Newman, first published in 1943 by Putnam, London. The book gives a historical introduction and synopsis of 29 operas, to help readers get the most from attending a performance. It is also an excellent companion to anyone coming to the opera for the first time on CD or DVD.

Newman manages to combine his deep understanding of the music and history of each opera with an infectious enthusiasm for his subject, while including amusing details of each opera's quirks and any implausible features of the plots. The result makes for gripping reading, whether you are new to the opera, or well acquainted with it.

Sadly the book is now out of print, but there are copies available from second-hand booksellers on the Web. Ernest Newman followed it by two other books: Wagner Nights, devoted to Wagner's operas, and published in 1949, and More Opera Nights, featuring a further 17 operas, published in 1954, both of which are also highly recommended.


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