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The Intelligence Park - Gerald Barry

Information about the opera The Intelligence Park by Gerald Barry, and the best recordings available on CD or DVD, or for download.

An opera about writing an opera, commissioned by the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London.


The composer Robert Paradies is attempting to write a new opera seria, but he is frustrated when his rich and very stupid fiancee Jerusha Cramer elopes with his star castrato, Serafino.

Recommended recordings on CD

Houlihan/Jackson/Harrhy (NMC NMCD122 )


Barry's first opera, recorded live in 1990 at the Almeida Theatre, London.

Almeida Ensemble, conducted by Robert Houlihan, 1990.

Cast: Richard Jackson (Robert Paradies), Paul Harrhy (D'Esperaudieu), Stephen Richardson (Sir Joshua Cramer), Angela Tunstall (Jerusha Cramer).


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