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War and Peace - Sergei Prokofiev

Information about the opera War and Peace by Sergei Prokofiev, and the best recordings available on CD or DVD, or for download.

Prokofiev's last opera, an ambitious four-hour adaptation of Tolstoy's novel.

Recommended recordings on CD

Rostropovich/Miller/Vishnevskaya (Erato 2292 45331-2)

2292 45331-2

Generally excellent performances in this nearly complete version.

ORTF Chorus, ORTF National Orchestra, conducted by Mstislav Rostropovich, 1986.

Cast: Lajos Miller (Prince Andrei Bolkonsky), Galina Vishnevskaya (Natasha Rostova), Katherine Ciesinski (Sonya), Mariana Paunova (Maria Akhrosimova).

Erato 2292 45331-2