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Julietta - Bohuslav Martinu

Information about the opera Julietta by Bohuslav Martinu, and the best recordings available on CD or DVD, or for download.

Martinu's greatest opera, constructed from a series of fragmentary themes.

Recommended recordings on CD

Krombholc/Tauberova/Zidek (Supraphon 10 8176-2)

10 8176-2

A classic recording that is perfect in every respect.

Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, conducted by Jaroslav Krombholc.

Cast: Maria Tauberova (Julietta), Ivo Zidek (Michel), AntonÌn Zlesák (Inspector/Postman), Zdenek Otava (Man with helmet).

Supraphon 10 8176-2